Here we go again! We're off to visit Owen and Kelsea on the South Island of New Zealand. Our bags are packed (small carry ons), passports in hand, and house sitter notes complete (Hailey gets to stay home this time...).
So, how many people really know what a pack rat is? I always thought it was a term to describe someone who collects lots of “stuff”. Well boy was I wrong. We pulled into Karchner Caverns State Park late one afternoon and as we were trying to negotiate where and how to set up our camper on a very in- level site, we were visited by the camp host. He started with, “Hi folks. Have you ever camped her before?” “No,” we replied. Then he proceeded to tell us about the pack rats in the area asking us if we had lights for under the truck and camper. We didn’t. He said for 2 nights we might be okay. They come out at night and get into the engine compartment chewing the wires and make big nests. They can ruin your truck in no time. And with that he bid us a goodnight. For the next couple of hours we struggled to level our camper ultimately breaking the jack. Rick and I tried to fix it but darkness set in and we decided to leave and book a hotel for the night and getting a new jack in the mor...
Who knew that New Zealand is home to these very unique glow worms- not actually worms at all! These short lived see through larvae, about the size of a matchstick, attach themselves to the walls and ceilings of caves. They make long sticky strings, about 30 of them. Their bright green tails glow and attract insects that get stuck in those long sticky strings. We took a boat to the caves and them walked through the cave along a roaring river and waterfalls until we reached the inner sanctum where we boarded a small 12 seater metal boat. Our guide navigated the boat in pitch darkness through a narrow waterway that eventually opened up to a bigger area where the walls and ceilings lit up with thousands of tiny glowing greed dots. It really is hard to describe. These pictures are from the journey to the caves. Cameras are not allowed in the caves for very obvious reasons!
So happy we got to get a little taste of van life. Owen and Kelsey were gracious enough to let us sleep in their tiny home while they roughed it in a tiny tent behind the van. Did some incredible hikes to see amount Cook and glaciers. The glacier water runoff is absolutely incredible. The turquoise water looks fake! Our home for two nights… Mount Cook Hanging on for dear life! Had to cross THREE of these! Clay Cliffs
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