Buc-ees Rest Stop

 Somewhere between Roanoke VA and Nashville is a gigantic truck stop called Buc-ees. Billboards along the highway alert you to the fact that you should stop and that it’s the home of beaver nuggets.This made for a long conversation about what beaver nuggets might be. Were they made from actual beaver meat? Was it just a play on words or something entirely different? The advertising campaign worked on us and we just had to stop to find out and we needed to gas up anyway. What we discovered was a truck stop on steroids…a long double row of gas pumps, gift shop with everything Buc-ee, BBQ food court, and world famous jerky. And of course beaver nuggets which are not make out of beaver meat but instead are a sweet treat that  is kind of like cheese doodles covered in a crunchy caramel coating!


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