On Your Mark, Get Ready, Get Set...

 On Your Mark, Get Ready, Get Set...

Wait! We're not quite ready! There's so much to do and so little time before we actually hit the road in our pickup truck and beautiful blue pull behind camper, our new tiny home. 

What was I thinking saying yes to one last minute job reviewing a teacher prep program for the VTAOE? With only 4 days left to pack the camper, pack up the mitten making materials (sweaters, notions, and sewing machine) putting them into the storage unit, cleaning the house we rented, and saying goodby to moms, and siblings, I left poor Rick to fend for himself. While I'm in Brattleboro conducting interviews he has been posing as me, answering last minute mitten purchase requests and delivering the last of our mittens. The last email request today was from a gentleman, who two years ago, bought a pair of mittens from us, loved them, and wore them often but recently lost one. His request; would it be possible to make a mitten using the same sweater if I still had a piece kicking' around- (Uh...from 2 years ago?! Nope). Or, since he was not a fussy, fashionista he would be happy with a spare single mitten if, by chance, I had one that did not have a match. Really? I have those? I had to chuckle...and since Rick is posing as me I gladly let him answer that email. Hopefully, he just gives him a new pair. Why not? We have 3 pair left and I'm NOT taking the mittens with us on our trip. 

Things we still have to do:
  • pack our clothes in the overhead bins above the camper bed
  • pack the clothes that don't fit up there in a bin to be stored in the truck bed
  • give our mailbox key to friends so they can check our mail 
  • transport the two plants Rick wants to save...only God knows why. One is a plant we got from someone on our wedding day and Rick thinks that it's bad karma to let it die. (insert shaking head)
  • put away the stuff we bought to make our camper look like home and stay organized
  • make the bed (bought his and her comforters so Rick can't hog the covers)
  • complete the items on Rick's to do list- that's all him!
The Plan:
Get up on Sunday, throw the dog in the back seat and leave before the snow flies!


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